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  • Writer's pictureNathaniel Reyes

What are Cults? Definition, Motivations, & Manipulation

dictionary text detailing the definition of "cult"


Many people believe themselves to be “smart enough” to avoid cults and their recruitment. However, while it is optimistic to believe so, it’s important to remember cult members and leaders alike are adept at finding those when they’re at their most vulnerable. Some cults may not even appear threatening or otherwise seem like the stereotypical “Satan-worshipping” cult. They may advertise themselves as warm and loving, seeming exceptionally inviting to outside individuals, especially while they’re at their lowest. Targets of cult activity typically latch on to the inviting nature of the cult, and its members, with most even being unaware that they have been recruited. This is what makes them dangerous. While some perceived cults may not actually be harmful at all, many invite or order their members to commit several different acts of violence ranging from assault all the way to murder.

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National Sexual Assault Hotline - 800.656.HOPE (4673)

National Domestic Violence Hotline - 800-799-7233 or text “START” to 88788

National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - 988

National Human Trafficking Hotline - 1-888-373-7888, 711 (TTY), or text 233733

If in immediate danger, if possible, contact 911 or the local authority number in your area for assistance and further support.


Many definitions can be given for the term “cult.” Though it is not as common today, the term was typically used to describe a group of people who worship or devote themselves toward a particular person, place, figure, or idea that had more individualistic beliefs. The prime example that could be given are the cults back in Ancient Greece, which, at the time, had no negative connotations. Today, however, the term is more likely to refer to a group of people who dangerously isolate themselves from society while devoting themselves to uncommon beliefs while engaging in harmful behavior. Though they sound similar, the modern connotation of the term “cult” is negative, usually implying harmful (both physical and emotional) and illegal activity initiated by a charismatic and coercive leader. A person may also use the term to describe a group of people without individuality or a group of people who have been “brain-washed” (“Cult | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica,” 2023). For this article, we will be looking into the negative connotations of cults, mainly those that initiate illegal and dangerous activity.

Cults, as previously discussed, manage to manipulate and deceive their members and targets in several ways, mainly via coercion. Many may coerce a target through a combination of vulnerability and refusing to give details on what they’re going to be doing. We should emphasize that cults may use a person’s vulnerability(s) in order to make them fully dependent on the cult. This could include exploiting them, threatening loved ones, using fears as a means of control, etc. In fact, control is a very important part of these types of cults. As mentioned earlier, cults are usually associated with a loss of individuality. Many may dictate what each member wears, eats, and to a very extreme extent, think. The effect a cult’s beliefs and actions have on an individual may be profound.

In most circumstances, cult leaders will have their followers believe that life within the cult is safer, further isolating the members. Isolation plays a big role in controlling individuals. When a person is refused contact with loved ones and the outside world, they become more vulnerable to the beliefs and ideology of the cult. When completely isolated from outside opinions, the individuals rarely question the actions and beliefs of the cult and cult leader. Additionally, many cults are extremely similar, if not exactly, to human trafficking. Cult leaders may use their followers for cheap labor and commercial sex as a way of earning high profit with low risk. In fact, in many cases, human trafficking can also include cult activity/systems as a way to force and manipulate the people they are exploiting ​​(Understanding Cults: The Basics, 2021).

Cult leaders are also very important parts of cult activity and systems. Due to being, on most occasions, the founder of the cult, they make themselves out to be the most important figure within the cult. Usually, being a narcissist, cult leaders have their followers look up to them and stay obedient to them in a variety of ways ranging from extremely subtle all the way to inhuman torture. Due to being in complete control of their followers, the cult leader can initiate many dangerous and harmful violations. The way cult leaders act and respond to their followers is determined by how they advertise themselves to others. If they are a religious cult, it is most likely the cult leader has made themselves out to be a god, messiah, or other important figure in that religion. If the cult is based on conspiracy theories, it is most likely apocalyptic thinking that is used to keep members of the cult obedient and so on.


While it may seem harsh, the reality is that most people are at some point vulnerable to cult recruitment. If a person is at their lowest and a cult member or leader is preaching everything they need to hear at that moment, it’s more than likely the individual’s interest will, at the very least, be piqued. Many tactics are used to achieve this interest. At first, cults may use something called “love-bombing.” Love-bombing is when a new member of the cult is bombarded with affection by other members. This is used to initiate a sense of belonging and instill in the individual’s mind that the rest of society won’t be this caring. This furthers isolation from outside society, making someone especially susceptible to the cult’s ideals. At the same time, an extreme amount of control may be exerted by the cult leader. As mentioned above, the extreme amount of control exerted by the cult leader could take away an individual’s sense of identity. This could even be encouraged by fellow cult members (What Is a Cult? | Characteristics of a Cult & Behavior Video, 2021).

In many cases, as a survivor recovers, it can be extremely difficult to break away from the cult mentality. Due to the drastic forms of control and, in some cases, mind-altering actions, it takes a serious amount of support and professional care to begin recovery. Physical recovery may also be as difficult as mental recovery. Many cults use overexertion as a way to have members dedicate their lives to the cult and its ideals. This overexertion can cause physical injuries as well as mental suffering. It can take a very long time for survivors to even begin their recovery, as with most traumatic events. It’s common for cults to instill an “us-vs-them” mindset within their members. This manipulation tactic causes members to doubt themselves rather than the cult itself, making it even more difficult for members to survive, escape, and recover (Dittmann, 2023).

MOTIVATIONS It would be impossible to pinpoint one motivation for starting and continuing a cult. On most occasions, cults start off mainly due to narcissistic individuals who have a talent for manipulation and a need for extreme attention. These cult leaders may not even believe what they are preaching as long as others stay obedient to them. This idea is furthered by the fact that cult leaders may fabricate an ideology to advertise, preach, and promote (What Is a Cult? | Characteristics of a Cult & Behavior Video, 2021). Depending on the type of cult, motivations for starting and continuing it can vary greatly. If it is a religious cult, it can be positively assumed it was started to preach harmful ideas under the guise of religion. If it is a cult built off of prejudice (e.g. racism, sexism, etc.), it can be assumed without a doubt that it began due to hatred towards a particular group of people different from the cult members and so on ​​(Columbus, 2018). This could also mean it’s entirely possible for cults to begin with positive intentions only to end up spiraling toward harmful and dangerous activity.

Some may question as to why followers and members of the cult choose to join and stay, even if they are aware of the harmful effects the cult has. There could be an impossible amount of reasons unique to the individual. However, it usually comes down to one; a sudden, personal need for something the cult is preaching. As previously mentioned, cults are skilled at targeting people who are susceptible to cult ideals and proceed to recruit them. When confronted with an idea or attribute an individual feels they’re missing, it’s more than likely that they may make themselves unaware of the suspicious activity of the cult (Columbus, 2018). It should be noted that cults recruiting members purposely leave out important and detailed information, making an individual especially unaware of the harm that is to come. In fact, many cults may seek out individuals new to an area who may be unaware of cult activity in the area (Columbus, 2018). New cult members may feel a sense of belonging, something done purposely to attract and convince individuals to stay. This sense of affection and warmth convinces individuals to, unfortunately, stay within the cult and follow its ideology (Columbus, 2018).


Cults, like many offenses, have become more and more common in recent years, making it more important than ever to have basic knowledge of the subject. Cults are skilled in finding those that are at their most vulnerable. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you feel suspicious of someone’s intentions, don’t hesitate to leave and contact someone you trust. Nowadays, it has become unfortunately crucial to be cautious in new places and especially around those you don’t know. While you can’t prevent being targeted, you can educate yourself and others on cult activity. As mentioned above, if you or a loved one is struggling, contact someone you can trust or contact a hotline that can guide you through the situation. While it may seem hard to get help, it will be worth it.


Cult | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica. (2023). In Encyclopædia Britannica.

Understanding Cults: The Basics. (2021). Psychology Today.

What Is a Cult? | Characteristics of a Cult & Behavior Video. (2021). What Is a Cult? | Characteristics of a Cult & Behavior - Video & Lesson Transcript |

1 Comment

Jun 19, 2023

This article includes a very comprehensive overview of cults and I love how it flows. It’s scary to think that cults are not limited to the stereotypical "Satan-worshipping" image and can appear inviting and harmless. We can all be susceptible at some point in our lives. SCARY! The motivations behind starting and continuing cults vary, but it makes sense that narcissism and the need for attention are common factors. I will definitely try and be cautious about not falling into that trap.

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